Friday, December 5, 2014

One Month

Our little chunk is growing so quick! I have never been so exhausted and tired in my life! I know one day I will sleep again. She is just getting her nights and days back to where they should be, thank goodness!! For awhile I was up from anywhere between 12AM-4AM. It's amazing what lack of sleep does to your emotions. Luckily my sister, Alyssa had her baby a few weeks after me so we are always supporting each other at odd hours of the night. Patrick is so sweet and understanding when I break down crying at weird things such as wanting to make banana bread but not being able to get to it haha It's funny now but in the moment it's devastating. Thankfully for everyone,  I am able to get more sleep at night. I have been trying to follow the Babywise schedule to help her sleep through the night. I would be happy to hear any tips for sleeping. I have a deeper gratitude for my mom for not only raising 7 kids back to back but cholicky twins.

 Avery is so alert all the time which can make putting her down for a nap so hard. She is so nosy and doesn't want to miss out on anything. When I put her on my shoulder to burp, she has such a strong neck that she pushes away from us to look around. She is a good little eater. I was really nervous about breastfeeding and how it was going to go and how it would hurt. Avery was able to latch right away and I have had no problems with nursing her. At 4 weeks I introduced the bottle to her and she took it no problem. She loves sucking (not to mention, a hard suck) as it is soothing to her so a few days after she was born we gave her a binky. It was either get our pinkys ripped off or give her the binky. 

We took pictures at JCP and she was of course she was wide awake the whole time! These pictures make me laugh because they are just typical her. I took some pictures at home but shortly gave up because she would fall asleep but then once I moved her to the basket she would be wide awake and then shortly start fussing. It was not worth interrupting a nap for. 

In one month we have learned some fun things about baby Avery

Likes: Being outside, sleeping in her swing, eating, sucking, starring at lights, being swaddled, bath time, sleeping on mom and dad's chest, car rides, being carried in her baby Bjorn, being rocked to sleep and being talked to.

Dislikes: Loosing her binky, changing her clothes, gas pains, sleeping in her co-sleeper, and taking naps. 

I look forward to more smiles and not just gassy ones. She has definitely changed our routine around. The words 'I'm bored' are no longer in my vocabulary. I return to work on Monday and not looking forward to it. I am grateful to have a job that allows me to have her with me. There is no way I would be comfortable with someone watching her this young so I could go to work. We are enjoying her 'first' holidays and excited to start some new traditions.